The Body of Christ

Many Members but One Body with One Head

The Bible uses the mental imagery of the human body which is composed of many parts which are governed and dependent upon the head as its command center to accomplish the intended purpose for each body part. Likewise, the body of Christ requires a head, Jesus Christ, in order to unify and equip believers to be a light to the world.

Start with Scripture

Read Ephesians 1:15-23. After the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ raised Jesus from the dead where did God seat Jesus and what is he above? (vs.19-21) According to vs. 22-23 what is Jesus head over and how are they described?

Read Colossians 1:15-18. Describe who Jesus is and what He has done. Is He worthy to have authority and all rule over the church? What about the local pastors and elders? Are they part of the head or part of the body?

Read Romans 12:3-8. Although the church is one body it is composed of many members. What is to be the attitude of each member and why? Are the members intended to perform the same function? Who determines what gifts each member will have? (vs. 3) List the categories of gifts that are listed in this passage. Do you know what gifts God has given you? Do they fit into one of these categories?

Read Ephesians 4:11-16.There is not a complete list of spiritual gifts in any one passage of scripture but God by His grace and through the Holy Spirit has gifted each individual member of the body of Christ. What is the purpose of the gifts? (vs. 12-13) Why is the knowledge of God and maturity needed? (vs. 15-16 ) What is the result when each part is working properly? (vs.16) 

 Personal Reflection

As stated in Ephesians 4:12 one of the reasons for various gifts is for “building up the body of Christ”. The original word in Greek for building is oikodome and means to promote one another’s growth in Christian wisdom and holiness. What do you do to encourage another’s spiritual growth? In what way have individual members in the body of Christ strengthened you toward Christlikeness? Do you think God intended for individual members of the body of Christto function independently or interdependently of one another? Explain your thoughts.

Read Mark 10:45 and Philippians 2:6-7. What example did Jesus set for the body of Christ? Who does God choose to honor based on 1 Peter 5:5? In what areas might you need to exchange pride for humility so that your service in the body brings unity and love for one another?

Gospel Approach

As “iron sharpens iron”, Proverbs 27:17, we need one another for encouragement, accountability and sweet fellowship. Read Hebrews 10:23-25. We are to consider how to stir up one another to love and good works. Exhortation includes both encouragement and speaking the truth in love; iron sharpens iron. Are you willing to seek out a member(s) in the body of Christ to exhort and to be exhorted? Do you have areas in your life you need to have “stirred up”? Be discerning, intentional and prayerful as you choose relationships to steward that promote love and unity in the body.


Suggested Reading: To explore friendships in the bond of Christ read 1 Samuel 18-20.